Chatter pix (free) for student voice

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I used this app in the last week of an observed lesson! Students had drafted a letter in Spanish to one of the three wise men (Spanish tradition) and they then recorded this using the chatter pix app and posted on edmodo. They then listened to another and had to identify what gifts were being asked for, seeing if they could get all three details ie item, brand, colour or other adjective.
The app works by drawing a line across a mouth on a picture, then recording student voice and saving to camera roll as video. Great fun, and of course when students know their work will be listened to by peers, greater effort is put in to make something accurate and impressive!

Talking pictures app (free)

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Have come across this app, plan to use it in the new year to have students record themselves labelling parts of photos they find or take. This could be at word level, ie what’s in my bedroom, but could of course be extended to sentence level ie students record a sentence saying what is happening over key actions shown.
Students can tap and add speech to up to 10 spots on the picture. In terms of sharing with the rest of the class, they can email themselves the file, open email on their iPad, hold down the file, choose ‘open in’ and select edmodo to add to a post.
Get App here